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Are Older Men Interested in Younger Women Only for Sex?

Although there are lots of happily married couples with big age differences, older men looking for younger women are often accused being interested in only in sex. The much publicized love life of celebrities like Jack Nicholson (who is famous for chasing girls young enough to be his granddaughters) and Leonardo DiCaprio (who has dated several gorgeous young women in a row) do not help. If you look at these men, you would think that there is whole lot of truth in this accusation. After all, what can one think of a man who is constantly after young women but never settles down with any of them? But are all older men interested in younger women only for sex? Is that all they want? The truth is that the majority of older men who like younger women are looking for a chance at happiness. They are unmarried, divorced or widowed. Whenever they see other happy couples, they feel a tinge of sadness. They want to be happy again. They want to laugh, dance and do other things that makes them happy. They have learned from years of experience that happiness comes only from true love and companionship. Another reason older men want to be with younger women is that, deep inside, they want to feel young again. They want to feel the excitement of their heart beating faster. They want to experience the thrill of being deliriously in love again. That can only happen with a young woman. Women their own age are too practical and worldly-wise; not to mention that they have lost their innocence. This is not to say that older men do not like sex. They like sex, of course. They are only humans, after all. If they didn’t like sex, they wouldn’t be looking for a relationship and young women wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with them either. Sex is a very important part of any man-woman relationship, but it is not the only thing that older men want. There are countless examples of older men and younger women who are happily married. That would not have been possible if they only after sex. They would soon become tired of each other and start looking for greener pasture. No relationship based purely on sex lasts longer than a few year. Men who are interested in women only for sex end up sad and lonely in their old age. Most older men are smarter than that. Even the most incorrigible womanizer knows that one day, before it is too late, he will have to find someone who will be there for him till the end. When Warren Beatty (who was once notorious for bedding every pretty face in Hollywood, including waitresses) met Annette Bening, he knew that she was the love of his life and they have been happily married for the last 25 years. So, while a few older men may be interested in younger women only for sex, the majority of them are not. They are looking for a lasting relationship based on love, trust and understanding. They want young girls looking for older men to love them, understand them and respect them for what they are.

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